Client Pictures

Pregnancy, Labour, Birth, Breastfeeding and Beyond! A Doula's perspective.

"These children are pearls, cause them to be nurtured within the shell of Thy loving-kindness." -'Abdu'l-Baha

Monday, September 2, 2013

Birth and Death

"I have made death a messenger of joy to thee, wherefore dost thou grieve?"-Baha'i Writings I have had the honour of being of assistance to people as their souls take flight as well as when little souls arrive. The reverence and beauty of these two life events are remarkably similar. I recently prepared the body of a wonderful woman for burial. As I washed her, wrapped her in white cotton and said prayers over her I could feel her soul smiling down. Her flesh was cold and without the animation of life and it became clear to me how this life is so fleeting and unimportant and only when our body is accompanied by a soul does it matter. I came home and held my vibrant children and cherish these living moments and also do not morn those who escape the limitations of this material world because they are free and watching over us and also no longer inhibited by the ego. The ego seems to be buried in the dust and only the virtues they developed in this world accompany them into the next.

Sunday, December 30, 2012

Remembering the Pre-Momma You

I did it! I took a holiday without my family. In 6 years I had only ever taken 2 days off from parenting for a get-a-way weekend with hubby. I realized I needed a more significant break. My grandpa paid for my ticket to the US (thanks for the amazing birthday present grandaddy!) and so I left. I cried, wept, convulsed even, but then I got over it and after a good wobbly and nap, left on an afternoon flight. I knocked out my emotions that morning so my eyes were dry at goodbye time. Amazingly, I have felt free and fine ever since! I realized that I had began to forget my personality and was consumed with my role as mother. I finally have had a moment to step back, relax, enjoy my friends and family with no responsibility to little people (thank you hubby and in-laws for taking the reigns!). I am now refreshed, have had some time to gain some wisdom, independent life experience and renew my energy. I am confident that I will now go home and have a little more patience and a little more life wisdom to offer my husband and kids. I decided not to allow myself to feel like I was being a bad mom for leaving. I know my family also wanted me to enjoy this trip and so I did! I checked in every few days and we shared happily what they were up to and assured them of my love. Now that I have remembered myself I am confident I will love and serve my family better upon my return. What a gift! Even if you don't go as far or for as long, once your children are old enough to explain that mommy needs to go.....then GO!!! Allow yourself the gift of guilt free recuperation and everyone in the family will benefit!

Monday, March 19, 2012

a beautiful birth story

This young woman and friend has found a wonderful way to record her birth and the special days of her daughters life. Please check out her blog and perhaps you will be inspired to do this for your child too!

Monday, January 30, 2012

New Home, New Chapter

The Fudu family is now beginning to settle in our new home in Westville, Durban. In life there are many stops and goes. I will post things when and if I feel inspired to do so. I'm trying to find that strange and delicate balance between technology and true human interacton....

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Scatter Brain Syndrome

There is a syndrome that is not recorded in any medical science book, magazine or journal, but it is alive and rampant around the world.
From the time of conception until the day a woman begins her retirement, (Which only really begins when her children are done with university and get their own jobs), she shall suffer from Scatter Brain Syndrome.
This Syndrome consists of the following:
-To begin one task and start four others in the process
-To forget things
-To double book events
Often the sydrome will be a combination of these things at the same time.
Some call it porridge brain, other's call it stress, but whatever it's called doesn't change the fact that most of us struggle to cope with motherhood and it's demands and the confusion it leaves in other aspects of our lives. Some days and weeks run more smoothly than others.
So when you say something strange, do something awkward or just feel like your loosing it, Remember: there are women just as crazy as you all around the world. YOU ARE NOT ALONE!

Tuesday, December 14, 2010


Today I'm 31 and life is beginning to take new shape and form (along with my figure). I am a mother/wife/teacher/doula and since I turned 30 I have watched 50 women become mothers and welcomed so many babies to this earth. I've become more serious and a bit more crazy at the same time. I've gained wisdom and lost patience and have often reversed those gains and losses! But overall I feel more blessed each day as I watch the mother, child and family transform and grow in my home and in the homes of many others.
Life is so full of joy when love dominates our acts and words.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Learning to latch your baby...

So after observing new babies and their first attempts to feed over the last two years I have come to my own conclusion that about +-40% of new babies just open their mouth nice and wide and turn out to be natural breast feeders. The other +-60% have to learn and need help. I just worked with a women who struggled and it wasn't until the 5th day after an hour of work that we finally got the little guy on their! It was such a victory! When it is difficult and a mother does not have good support the breastfeeding experience may struggle to survive past a couple weeks. But just know that once the learning and correct habits are formed breastfeeding becomes as natural as breathing and your baby benefits beyond measure from this perfect food.